Virtual Performance and Recovery

Bringing health to performance to speed results

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Fuel your performance, fuel your recovery, fuel for disease prevention and mental cognition. Proteins, carbs, and fats house the material to build, fuel, and improve the body's ability to function. You are a chemistry equation; food supports all bodily functions. The type of food supports your ability to perform a certain task. For example, animal meat breaks down to creatine (and other things) inside the body. Power/speed/max strength and the initiation of movement and some brain cognition uses creatine to function.


Building the spine out, learning to move in. The brain sends/receives signals from your physical needs within space. Your training tells your body what it needs, your body builds the ability to function better during training. You adapt specific to the imposed demands on your body. The SAID principle is a big deal. Specific adaptations to imposed demands. For example, If I run a marathon my body will develop a ton of slow twitch fibers, lots of capillaries and mitochondria, and more effective fat metabolism to fuel the long run.

Recovery Habits

What you do between workouts, before/after competition, warm up/cool down, nutrition, hydration, sleep, tension release, posture activation, mental stress release, nature therapy, recovery tools, light therapy, cold/heat therapy, active/passive stretching, and massage. Manage your mental/physical stress before that stress manages you into pain and disease and less results. For example, dehydration, during a competition, can lower a vertical jump 4 - 8 inches from the 1st QTR of basketball to the 4th QTR of basketball.

Focused on movement to retrain the brain - body connection for pain reduction and athletic achievement

For additional information on our health and wellness solutions, please call or text us. We will be delighted help you. 

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